lunes, 26 de mayo de 2014

[Class project] Lua with a different style

Hi all! This time I'm gonna show you three illustrations I had to draw for a school project, which consists in decorating objects with some drawings. I wanted to use my oc, Lua, and decorate stationery with her, but my teacher said that I've already "mastered" the manga style, and wanted to see something different xD So here's my "different" vision of Lua (somewhat similar to Adventure Time)
I hope you like it ^^

Btw, "Just Artsy Things" is the brand I came up with for this project. Pay no attention to it xD

1 comentario:

  1. A adventure time no se si se parece mucho, pero está mu cuca. :3 Mola! <3


Constructive comments encouraged, thanks for your time! :)